About Thermo-Calc
Thermodynamics Software
Calculate the State for a Given Thermodynamic System
Thermo-Calc allows you to calculate the state for a given thermodynamic system to obtain insights such as:
Predict a Wide Range of Materials Property Data
Below are examples of properties that can be calculated with our thermodynamics and properties software, typically as a function of composition, temperature, and sometimes also pressure:
Gain Insight into Materials Processing
Simulations can be used to gain insight into how to optimally process an alloy. There are numerous applications of our thermodynamics and properties software related to this topic, including but not limited to:
Easy Export of Data
Results in Thermo-Calc are presented in the form of tables and calculated diagrams (plots). Users can easily export both types of results in a variety of common formats. Plots can be saved with high resolution in common file formats such as JPG, SVG, and PNG. The tables can be exported as TXT, HTML, and XLS formats.
One Platform with Several Built-In Calculators
Thermo-Calc includes several built-in calculators that come standard with all licenses and allow for a broad range of calculations of thermodynamic significance, including:
Calculations Made on Scientific Basis
A thermodynamic and properties database is required to make calculations using Thermo-Calc. We offer an extensive selection of high-quality thermodynamic and properties databases in a broad range of materials. The databases are produced by experts through critical assessment and systematic evaluation of experimental and theoretical data, following the well-established CALPHAD methodology.
Expand the Functionality of Thermo-Calc
Thermo-Calc was designed to be flexible, so you can expand the platform with Add-on Modules in your areas of specialization. Add-ons include two kinetic modules, a Process Metallurgy Module, and Property Model Libraries for Steels and Nickels.
Link Thermo-Calc to Other Programs
Thermo-Calc and the Add-on Modules can be linked to other software programs or your own code with one of the three available Software Development Kits (SDKs).
Upcoming Courses
Thermo-Calc Training Courses
Thermo-Calc Training is ideal for beginners as well as those with some prior experience. This hands-on course focuses on the graphical mode of Thermo-Calc, teaching participants how to calculate and plot phase diagrams, property diagrams, and stable or meta-stable phase equilibria for multicomponent alloys. Participants will also learn to use Project files for performing, saving, and sharing complex calculations. No prior knowledge of Thermo-Calc is required, though some understanding of thermodynamics or materials science is beneficial.
We schedule courses two to three times per year, check out the course pages to see if we currently have courses scheduled.
Learn More about Thermo-Calc
Exploring chemistry and additive manufacturing design spaces: a perspective on computationally-guided design of printable alloys
References regarding the development of Thermo-Calc, thermodynamic models implemented in the software, some specific applications utilizing it, and more.